Monday, April 5, 2010

Food, INC.

I know many of you have seen Food, INC.
Parts of it surprised me~ most of it didn't.
I would encourage you to watch it. It's an hour and a half.
Be prepared and then draw your own conclusion.
I don't preach about food or lifestyle choices.
I haven't eaten meat in nearly 20 year. I don't talk about it, I never expect special foods when we are invited to dinners. There is always a vegetable and or salad-I don't go without. And I don't feel deprived.
I take care to get plenty of protein and work with a holistic physician to balance out nutrients.
I was eating some organic turkey and chicken-not often.

Food, INC. is a good eye-opener on many levels.
~Food for Thought~
Love to know your thoughts.


  1. Now you have peaked my interest with Food, Inc. Having been raised in a large family and having a family produce biz, I grew up getting to know the best veggies and fruits and to this day give thanks for they are some of my best friends. My Father still hates the thought that some go without, that they are hungry.
    I will report back to you my thoughts after I see Food, Inc.

  2. I went to see this movie when it came out and I left wondering if I would ever be able to eat again. I'm still eating, but seeing this has had an impact on the choices I make in the grocery store. And I signed up for my very first CSA. I really like the idea of eating food that is fresh, local, and only in season, but I don't know if I can give up bananas. It was certainly a movie that made me think.

  3. I still have not seen it. It is on my list for sure.

  4. Have heard a lot about this movie...think I need to just see it already! Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Gonna check it out!Have a wonderful Monday!

  6. If you found Food, Inc. to be intriguing, try adding King Korn to your Netflix list. KK reveals valuable information about the food we consume in the US.

  7. I need to see that, Debra! Have a wonderful Monday. xo

  8. I have this movie saved on my Roku player from netflix. Can't wait to watch it, and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. Miss you too!

  9. i still haven´t seen it... on a lighter note- just saw the september issue- loved it:)

  10. One of my favorite documentaries. As you already know, I am a HUGE proponent for organic local food - and I rarely eat meat myself, but when I do, I know exactly where it was raised, how it was raised, and what it was given as food. I'm fortunate enough to live in an area of the world that is filled with organic, sustainable farms (vegetable and meat), and perhaps, this is why my husband now realizes I never wish to leave it. You are what you eat, and if people truly adopted this belief, I believe we would have a healthier world of glowing, food-conscious people around us.
    Great post Debra!

  11. We watched this a couple of months ago. It is a great movie. I haven't eaten meat in about over a year. I'm still trying to learn along the way. I wish there was a 101 seminar somewhere to give me better ideas. I wanted Gary to watch. He hasn't given up meat totally, but it did open his eyes and he is trying to be more conscious of where to purchase it. When I made the ham yesterday I wore gloves. smile... xo

  12. This movie was great. I was already on a healthier eating path but now I always buy organic if I have the option. I am very excited to shop at the farmers markets this spring! xx


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