Monday, January 11, 2010

Scheduling Goodness~

The very simple act of meeting a dear friend for coffee can result in the best therapy session.
On Sunday I bundled up and went to our local Barnes & Noble to meet a friend.
It had been over a year and a half since we last actually got together to catch-up. Life sometimes gets in the way of the little things that mean the most.
Each time I meet this particular friend we laugh until tears, expose our joys and fears and walk away feeling lifted.
And each time we meet we ask why we don't do this more often.
Sometimes I think that meeting more frequently might take away some of the specialness, perhaps the meetings wouldn't be so chock-full of goodness.
On my list of things to improve-upon is this very thing.
Making time to see my friends, scheduling lunches, coffee breaks and fun outings.
It's really one of the very best ways to recharge ones soul and energy.



  1. I know what you mean about an uplifting feeling after spending time w/a friend. I am glad you were able to spend the time w/her.

  2. Sounds like the perfect medicine for the soul. I enjoy this time with friends. I'm glad you were able to have a little girlfriend time. xo

  3. couldn't agree with you more. (and love the picture you chose!!)

  4. I especially enjoyed our telephone visits! That was a great idea and you thought it up!!! Could have spent a long morning chatting away with you... xoxo

  5. I agree with that 100%! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  6. How delightful! I'm so glad you posted about this--it's truly remarkable, those special chats with old friends!

  7. Wonderful advice, Debra! Wish we could have coffee, too. xo

  8. MOTH & I were just talking about the same thing last night Debra. I told him I think we'd see our friends more if they had a beautiful bathroom to use when they visited. He got the message. Thank you for your gorgeous comment while I was away, it made me laugh & laugh! Sending you the warmest wishes for a magical 2010.
    Millie ^_^


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