Saturday, May 22, 2010

Goody-Goody Spin Pins

I love a good bun. I never was able to create the perfect bun so I was beyond excited when the infamous 'messy bun' became all the rage! That I could do!
Still getting all of the little ends tucked in was hard to master...but now~
Goody has come out with the...... SPIN PIN!

Never one to buy into hair gimmicks ever, but this looked like it might work~ and it does.

You actually screw the pins into the bun that you've made-one on the top and the other on the bottom. You screw them in close to the head and they hold!

My hair is longer than it's been in a while and with warmer weather coming, I wanted to be able to wear it up. But clips just don't hold my thick hair very well.

The Spin Pin come in a blond or brunette finish.

~Goody Spin Pins~

I picked mine up at Target.
Not available where you live? Try Amazon or email me.
I know- a pretty light post after being absent all week~
I did get some work completed, worked hard with my trainer, had several visits with the chiropractor, a day in the city ~ shopping all alone and lots of long walks.
Thanks for checking in on me!

Thanks to Goody


  1. It's nice to have you back with us Debra, sounds like you enjoyed your week. My girls could really use those pins, I've never seen them in France, I'll check them out on Amazon.

  2. These are cool girls will love them. Alas, my hair is not long enough. Your week sounds like the makings of some great posts. Did you bring your camera along, journal? Met with a trainer this week...more on that one soon on B-Well.

    'Shopping alone and lots of long walks'....I like the sound of that. Sounds like a good week. Now rest and enjoy. Hope the weather is lovely for you this weekend.


  3. I love a good bun myself, however I keep my hair to the nape of my neck.
    I am very understanding of a blog break. My muse likes alot of time off, so I go with it.

    Have a great weekend Debra!

  4. Now that I cut my hair....I want a bun like that! How neat, you always manage to find the most wonderful little gadgets that make life so fun.
    I will take my daughter to see if she would like those.

    Glad you had a productive week and we all need breaks, be it blog breaks, or just time to listen to our own thoughts.

  5. Hellooooooo!!! Yes missy it has been a while! Wow you are working with a trainer that is awesome! I decided this week to hire somebody to help me keep my house clean(er). We are going to meet next week to figure out schedule, etc. Finally have decided I am not Superwoman!!!

    I often think I will take a bloggy break. Absences are fine here and there! xoxoxoxo

  6. Love it....I'm close to cutting my hair off...but that might solve my problems...sounds hard is it? Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Debra,

    I'm so excited about this little number! I where my hair in a ponytail basically every day & I'm always thinking I wish I could come up with something a little more sophsticated. I going to get my spinpin tomorrow. Thanks.


  8. I am so hopeless at putting my own hair up...these may be exactly what I need! Will look for them next time I am in Target! Thanks!

  9. My long hair goes up in the late spring, and rarely comes down till September. So, this is right up my street! I will look for mine today!!! Thanks a bunch!

  10. I'm with The Zhush - I'm hopeless at the Up styles, but would be willing to take classes. MOTH likes my hair up, but I hate it, so we fight yet again!
    Millie ^_^


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