Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let the sun Gods smile down~

~Sunny Sky~
Please Mr. Sunshine show us your ever-so-sweet smiling face this afternoon-let's say around 3:00. That would work perfectly for what we have planned. We would be forever grateful and promise to be good for the whole rest of the year... Pretty, pretty sunny sky please!

Image compliments of Flickr~ Thank you so much!


  1. Oh! Deb I hope Mr. Sunshine or Mrs. shows up for the big event! Or at least that their second cousin Mr. rain stays away! Have fun.

  2. I love to make promises to the big guy - a barter system is always great!
    enjoy every minute today!

  3. Dear Mr. Rain and Ms. Clouds, Why don't you two swamp places with Mr. Sun. I'm sure you will like this corner of my world. I would be happy to pack Mr. Sun's bags and send him your way.

    Deb my friend, if the weather won't listen to us don't worry as long as the sun shines from within. No cloud, or rain will damper your wonderful day! Hugs to you all and enjoy! xoxoo

  4. Thinking of you all today & hoping the sun shone bright yesterday for this blessed event for your son, his bride. All the best & congratulations to the happy couple Xx deb


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