Monday, November 2, 2009

Bella Luna~

" When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie~ that's amore".

~Bella Luna~
I've been dropping hints left and right that a Canon Rebel would make this moon and just about every other photo I want to take- ever so much better.

If anyone out there has any suggestions for improving the quality of my photos with this little Canon Power shot A1000... I would be very grateful.

My own


  1. Hi Debra: Unfortunately, no suggestions here, but tonight will be a Full moon, so maybe you'll have more opportunities! Good luck.

  2. Debra, I can't help. I use my little red Nikon 8 megapix for mt art photography most of the time. Not perfect, however some turn out pretty good.

  3. This past weekend, I learned how to capture some "night time" images which I plan to share - Somehow it makes me more excited to have darkness at 5! I look forward to making a series of "dark" works.
    Everyone that I know loves the Canon Rebel!!!

  4. The moon has been gorgeous the last few evenings, and we blog buddies can share the beauty together! I can barely upload a You Tube so I am no expert and have no ideas. One thing I do with my Canon SX110 is to read one (1) section of the instruction manual (which is like a book-very intimidating) and try to master the technique. We need a Canon For Dummies series!!! xoxoxo

  5. If you learn the secret to capturing the moon on a perfect picture, let me know. I still can't figure that out either. I think I need to spend some money and buy a really good camera.

  6. I have such trouble with my cameras too -When you get some tips and solutions - post your findings for all of us photography novices out here!!

  7. I have been dropping the EXACT SAME HINT for that EXACT SAME CAMERA. Sigh. Christmas is coming.

    My only trick is that I take most of my moon photos before it is completely dark outside. I get a lot more clarity as the moon is rising in the early evening.

    When we get our rebels, we'll take the best moon shots ever. xoxo

  8. Great pictures I wish I knew how to improve photos I need help there!

  9. My friend I have the rebel and can't get the best photos of the moon. LOL... I haven't used a zoom lens I should have tried that last night the moon was huge and a beauty. Let me know if you find out the secret. xoxo


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