Friday, August 7, 2009

Jewels of the sea~

~The exquisite creations of Lisa Hall.~

I have long been enamored by sea glass. The jewels of the sea. Shards of colorful glass, tumbled smooth by the tides and sand.

My love of sea glass started years ago with trips to the ocean with my Mother and Father. That first piece spotted- rubbed gently by the sea is like finding a precious gem. I was hooked. Checking for low tides on the weekends and especially if a storm had recently washed these beauties up on a rocky shore.
Years later I would take my young son with me. He usually tired quickly of the light digging that with patience, could hold some delicate slice of smooth glass or a shard of painted pottery.

My husband became fascinated with the hunt for the unusual colors one could unearth.
Among my favorites are cobalt blue, light lemon yellow, citrus green and the light, water aqua.
Ruby is rare, but do have a few small pieces.
Right here in Maine the artist Lisa Hall creates the most treasured pieces of jewelry. Each one having it's own story.

~Stunning Water Blue Studs~

~Who could say 'no' to this impressive piece?~

~Soft Shades of the Sea~

~Cobalt-at it's finest~

~Click here to visit Lisa's website~

We're talking the real deal here. Not the bags of machine-tumbled glass you can buy at craft stores. Sea glassing takes real dedication. You must check for tides, be willing to brave stormy weather and extreme temperatures. It takes patience...lots of patience.

There are number of good books out there that can give you the history and sea tales of these baubles as well as photographs of the best collections.

I have them all and couldn't recommend one over the other.

* Pure Sea Glass by Richard LaMotte

Sea Glass Chronicles by C.S. Lambert

* Sea Glass by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros

* Sea Glass Secrets by Valerie Raudonis

* A Passion for Sea Glass by C.S. Lambert

* The Story of the Sea Glass by Mary Beth Owens {a delightful children's story}

If you happen to find yourself on a rocky coastline-check for a low tide, grab an old wooden spoon and gently dig into the wet gravelly sand. You never know what treasure may be awaiting you.


  1. Beautiful comments on sea glass, and Lisa's jewelry is among the best!


  2. These are just beautiful Debra - I especially like the rings. It is a romantic thought to wear a piece of jewellery that has come from the sea and been weathered over the years, totally wonderful...Enjoy your weekend, xv.

  3. My neighbor has a passionate collection of sea glass. I love the calm colors. I think I may need to add this to my wish list. I love the softness.

  4. Deb I LOVE sea glass too!! Growing up along Lake Michigan I remember finding the jewels thinking I found a hidden treasure. Oh how I wish I kept those glasses yet today.

    I have one tiny piece of glass I found years ago. I will have to make it to the oceanside one of these days to find a handful of glass and a small piece of drift wood.

    Have a jewelful weekend! Did I read correctly you do have a little jewel spending the weekend?

    Hugs my dear friend! xoxoxo

  5. Now it is your turn to stir up memories with your wooden spoon. Our family had a summer beach house in Lavallette NJ. For years we faithfully scoured the shoreline for sea glass treasures. As the oldest of my 6 siblings I would lead my two little brothers along the shore and we would spend hours finding these treasures....My mom has them beautifully arranged in glass jars in her home. There were so many and she was purging recently and sold them to a local NJ artist.

    I will return to check out your friend's gorgeous sea glass jewelry website. Sea glass with diamonds! WOW!!! Have a lovely weekend, dear.

  6. Sea glass is beautiful. It's very serene to look at.

  7. Oh, to be honest, never heard of sea glass before. But I think I have found a new love here! These stones AND jewels are just gorgeous. Hm...wonder how it's called in to google now. Have a nice weekend my dear Debra, XXX, Carmie.

  8. Her work is absolutely stunning! I have had a long-standing love for sea glass and she does such an exceptional job with the settings. Thanks for your sweet comment, Debra - you're the best! Have a great wknd.!

  9. I just had a phone call from a friend that is currently sea-glassing in Maryland. She has recently uncoverd a porcelain doll's hand-in perfect condition-unharmed and protected by the soft sand. AMAZING!

  10. Gorgeous jewels, love them Debra, a great discovery!


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